In this Iconic Drama/Thriller, alongside George Clooney, Mat Damon, and Amanda Peet, Bashar Atiyat played a pivotal character “Prince Nasir’s Aid” in the story.
His eerie silence and mysterious presence in almost all the scenes of Prince Nasir “Played by Alex Siddig”, with a very calm and watchful eye on everything and everyone around, as you’d expect from the right hand aid to a royalty, gave a calm yet intriguing edge to the character.
But to no one’s expectation, the character, once spoken, turns the tables of the entire plot, to a very un-expected direction, which leads the viewer to the resolution of the story
Bashar worked intricately with Director Stephen Gaghan to sculpt this character of few lines, yet a massive presence and influence in the plot.
Bashar also worked with Actor “Alex Siddig” on the Arabic part of Alex’s script, and helped with the cultural and linguistic aspects of the production, due to his Authentic Arab background
“SYRIANA” clips
“SYRIANA” Film Trailer
You can visit the film’s page on IMDB:
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Behind The Scenes